Dear Boyfriend & Baby's Father

Two years we have been together and I have been hurt by you over and over. I wonder in my head how someone so loyal could get so much damage in their life for doing good and pleasing others.

A couple days ago I found out my boyfriend of 2 years and father to my 6 month old son and one on the way cheated on me yet again.

A year ago he cheated on me while staying at his brothers house 3 hours away. I was only 13 weeks pregnant with our son

Now here I am almost 9 weeks pregnant and I found out he has cheated again.

He's always been a partier and a person that likes to go out but he changed for me he quit going out and he quit partying for me. But is what he didn't quit doing is talking to other women.

A couple night ago he leaves his old phone at home and it gave me the opportunity to go thru it because I haven't trusted him since last year's mishap. Well my heart broke into a million pieces. And not one two or even five women were in his phone but multiple ones were.

The bad part is that he has had sex with one of them that I know of in the last couple months and flirts and texts his Co workers. He's been sexting multiple women as well.

How can someone that says they love me cheat on me and lie to me? He says he wants to marry me all of this. When I brought up the situations the excuse was "I have babies with you and I sleep with you every night you're the one I love"

I love this man and I thought he had changed for me but after 2 years and he still wants other women how can he possibly love me?

My hearts wants tell him if he wants to stay then he needs to change and I mean do a complete 360. I want him to show me them girls aren't worth losing me over but unfortunately he's shown no guilt. He has gone these past two days like nothing ever happened and when I mention talking about it, he says "what's there to talk about?" He has apologized once and said we will get thru it but that's it.

My brain says to leave but I don't want us getting in a battle over our kids. I know he's a good father and I'm not the type to take our kids away from him but his hometown is 3 hrs away and if we split then he has no where to go. He already said our son is going with him and I can't bare to lose my precious baby.

Thoughts? Opinions? Is there room for change or is it hopeless?