
Erin • Married ❤️ Mommy to Ava Noelle 11/17/17 💜
Anyone else having very light brown/tan discharge? I have had no cramping or pains whatsoever but almost every other day I am having really small amounts of tannish discharge. 2 OBs said perfectly normal but I still don't like seeing it lol. First ultrasound on 10/12 and seems so far away!
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Posted at
I'm so glad I saw this post! Started having super light brown discharge yesterday. Still having some but barely there. Was thinking about going to ER but everything I'm reading says normal. Just makes me so nervous 😬


Kelly • Oct 3, 2015
No cramps at all.


Janin • Oct 3, 2015
Did you have cramps as well?


Posted at
Any updates from the ladies who started spotting a couple of weeks ago? I started spotting brown a couple of days ago, went to doctor that day they did a vaginal ultrasound and everything seemed to line up with my dates (5w5d). The next couple of days the spotting stayed brown but increased but now has seemed to stop. This happened in a previous pregnancy and an ultrasound showed that the baby had stopped developing when the spotting started and I ended up having what they called a missed miscarriage. My doctor is optimistic that this pregnancy seems viable but I don't go back for another ultrasound until next week but it seems like forever away. Driving myself crazy with worry!!


Kelly • Oct 15, 2015
I spotted for about 4 days last week then it stopped. Started back up 2 days ago and passed a clot this morning. I called the OB and they had me do an ultrasound. Everything was fine! I got to see the baby and a nice heartbeat!


Posted at
I have been going through the same thing. It's not constant, but happened twice yesterday when I wiped, it was a small spot of brown-ish discharge and now again this morning. I am 6 weeks. I called my OB and she said it was totally normal! 


Posted at
Hey, Erin. I am experiencing the same thing, but I have some light cramping as well. I was really nervous, but my Dr. said nothing to worry about. I had a miscarriage last January and have been trying to conceive for almost 3 years, so I'm super anxious. My first ultrasound is 10/12 also. It seems like an eternity away!! Prayers to you for a happy, healthy pregnancy! 


Suzy • Oct 8, 2015
Congratulations on your pregnancy! 3 years is tough (it took me 2). Just wanted to give you another mini-celebration. You deserve it!


Erin • Oct 3, 2015
Thanks!! Makes me feel better. Keep me updated how the ultrasound goes! So exciting 😁


Posted at
I started having tan discharge today 7 weeks 1 day, but I had about a millimeter of spotting and haven't had any since.  Should I worry and call the nurse.  It was so little, but I am nervous...


Posted at
You guys all made me feel so much better. I talked to ob again today and she said it wasn't concerning at all to her. Some people spot brown and they never know why, it's just old blood making its way out. Ugh! Good luck to you all! 


Posted at
I had the same thing yesterday.  It freaked me out at first, but it's gone away now.  My first appointment is 10/13.  Hopefully everything is fine.