Sex after birth


I just was wondering when would it be ok to have sex even if I haven't gone to my 6th week checkup. I mean the 3rd week after I had my baby I had intercourse with my boyfriend. But I'm scared something might be wrong. After I had my daughter I only received 1 stitch and was diagnosed with a first degree tear. I feel fine now. But I'm still nervous.
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I never listen. Thats why I have to get the Depo shot right before I get discharged from the hospital. As soon as my bleeding stops my hubby jumps me. This time around he barely wanted to wait until we left the hospital! Lol the man is insatiable and Im not much better...😈


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I'm waiting until my postpartum visit. Your body is super fertile right after having a baby and I'm not going to risk a pregnancy that close. 


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Depends. They say to wait til 6 weeks (or close to) due the fact you can get infections in the spot where your placenta was attached inside your uterus... Hence the no tampons policy til you're cleared etc. We did it at 4.5 weeks PP. 


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We are waiting until after my 6 week check up. I had a third degree tear, luckily my stitches are healed up, and I feel like having sex, but my OB said that it can be dangerous to have sex before your cervix closes as it can push bacteria into your uterus and cause an infection. 


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I'm 7 weeks pp and we feel ready... But I've been spotting maybe because I'm exclusively pumping not sure, so still waiting lol


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I wouldn't let my husband touch me until I got back on the shot, and even still, I made him wear a rubber and wouldn't let him cum inside.


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I got checked yesterday on my stitches everything was fine We had sex day before baby is 2 weeks in 2 days


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I just went to my postpartum check up today, and my doctor said everything is ok and normal. I'm ok to do normal activities again, like exercising, swimming & things like that. She did ask me if I was having sex, I told her yes. But she just wanted to make sure that we were using condoms so she was totally ok about it. Just wanted to update you girls :) 


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I'd wait, why risk getting any sort of infection