29 weeks w/ Kidney infections.

So I went to the hospital this morning because I couldn't sleep all night. I would have sudden urges to pee then run to the bathroom and only sprinkle while in pain. Started getting back pains took Tylenol and attempted to go to sleep again. Around 6am I headed to the hospital. They ran my urine, blood work and an ultrasound of my kidneys and bladder. Everything came back positive for infection. They sent me home with antibiotics. The Dr advised that if the pain got worse to come back. So around 11 am I took my first dosage of antibiotics.. with in 2hrs I was in so much pain I could bearly walk, stand, talk or sit. My husband rushed me to the ER where I almost past out b/c of the pain. From a bladder infection to know a bilateral kidney infection. Currently on IV fluids, antibiotics and pain medications. Dr. Said I have to stay over night at the hospital. Has anyone had a kidney infection while pregnant? What was the outcome? How long was your stay?