At 20 weeks, the anatomy scan showed a small possibility of Placenta Accreta, so a 3d ultrasound was...


At 20 weeks, the anatomy scan showed a small possibility of Placenta Accreta, so a 3d ultrasound was ordered for 28 weeks.

The 3d ultrasound ruled out the Accreta, but discovered some suspicious looking veins that my OB decided needed at better look at, so she ordered an MRI. 32 weeks, MRI was completed and showed that there was Accreta, actually Increta, and the possibility of Percreta couldn't be ruled out. They scheduled me for a Csection/Hysterectomy for 10/5/15. Then the hospital decided that I needed to deliver sooner to avoid preterm birth. So I was scheduled for 09/17/15. My doctor fought with the hospital and got it set for 09/28/15. I was to be admitted the night before and consult with the team of doctors (3 OBs, 2 Anesthesiologists, and a Urologist, as well as Interventional Radiology to have Balloon Catheters put in, incase of hemorrhage).

So, Sunday morning, 9/27/15, I woke up with plans to get done final errands before the hospital called to let me know to come in. Not quite awake for 5 minutes and the phone rings, they want me in by 11. Errands aren't going to happen, but I at least want a nice family breakfast and we promised my 7 year old son a trip to build a bear for his birthday (9/23) and the mall didn't open until 11, but I have to do this for him, it could be the last time that I can.

So, full of nerves and scared for my life, I showed up to the hospital an hour later than they requested. My husband and son stayed with me all day making sure that I was ok, and helping me get situated in the room I'd be in for the next few days - if all went well. The fear of death fell heavier on me with each passing hour. For the 1st time, I wasn't ready to be done being pregnant, I didn't want this baby born because I felt the fear of not being able to be there for her, not to mention my two children waiting at home. What if I bleed to death? Who would help the kids do their homework? Who would make the cupcakes for their class birthday parties?

After they went home, I didn't sleep at all. I paced the floor, contiplating leaving and not going through with the surgery. I just wanted a few more weeks to enjoy my baby girl kicking inside of me, the last time I would ever feel that amazing movement inside, whether I survived this or not, I would never be pregnant again.

Surgery was scheduled for 11am, and I was due in the Intervental Radiology room by 8am to have the Balloon Catheters put in. They came to get me really early Monday morning at 6am, I had just enough time to text my husband that I would no longer have my phone and I was going down to get prepped, and I would see him soon as he was coming after dropping the kids off to school, around 9:30. I didn't have time to read his response.

I tried to stay positive - I will be ok, I will be holding my baby girl in just a few hours, I will beat this. I actually started to feel happier once I thought about surviving even if it meant losing my uterus. I decided I wasn't going to focus on how unfair this was, or how much I was missing by being under general anesthesia for the whole thing. I thought about needing to beat this so I could hold my baby. I focused on the sound of her heartbeat on the monitor. Some how, the hours flew by, I had the balloon catheters put in, and the mild narcotic they gave me for the procedure gave me the ability to keep calm and determined. I smiled, I laughed and made jokes with the staff. It was 9:30 and hubby was supposed to be there, but they couldn't find him. I was waiting in PACU, watching the clock go slower and slower, laying flat on my back with baby girl pressing on my spine. The mild narcotic wore off and I really started to feel the pain in my back. Then the fear hit me that I wouldn't see my husband for the last time. I wasn't even sure if he was there yet. "Where is he?"

The nurse in charge of me and baby tried to find my husband but they hadn't heard anything by 10:30 - 30 minutes to go. The pain increased and I began having coughing fits thanks to the cold I still had. I had swarms of doctors flitting about me, nurses and doctors asking me to sign different consents, 3 anesthesiologists trying to start IVs and an A-line, blowing 3 veins in the process. I had to pee, so I tell the nurse in charge and she suddenly realized, they forgot to put a catheter in. They would have to do it now, with out drugs. I was laying there praying It didn't hurt, thankful for the gentle resident who put it in, when finally my husband is beside me, it's 11:00. I start to cry about the pain in my back and how uncomfortable I am, I need to get back and put under so I don't feel anything anymore - possibly forever!

It's 11:15, my doctor comes over and lets me know that OR2 is still being used and we need to wait a little longer, should be ready in about 10 minutes she said. Hang in there, we'll be in soon...30 minutes goes by, I am shaking from the pain in my back, I can't do it anymore. I've reached my breaking point as the nurse stated. I start panic attacking, my heart rate spikes, I am crying and coughing and my doctor comes over and says ok we are good to go.

I'm still panicking but taking deep breaths when they bring me into the OR, and start prepping me and the room. The drape goes up, anesthesia is right next to my head trying to keep me calm, when I hear the Surgeon say, "ok are we ready to test?"

I scream in my head, "NO! THEY HAVEN'T SEDATED ME YET!!!" My body is clenching up waiting for him to start testing if I can feel anything. I'm imagining him with a knife near my belly getting ready to poke me with it.

He gets frustrated that No one has answered him, "Hello?!?! Can I test?!?"

He starts to push on my belly with his hand and the anesthesiologist finally says "NO!!! she's not out yet!" He says "oh, she hasn't had a spinal?"

I panic even more, doesn't he know how we are going to do this? Does he know the plan? I thought everyone was aware of their part in this delivery???

I'm surely hyperventilating when the anesthesiologist tells me to start taking deep breaths, she puts the mask over my mouth. There's no air in the mask! I feel like I can't breathe. They are trying to suffocate me! Oh my god, they are killing me for real! Why are they trying to kill me???? I cry out and nothing comes out my mouth.

When I come to, I hear my doctor's voice, the good doctor, the one who delivered my 2nd child, the one who cares! "Beth, Wake up. You're ok." My eyes flit open, she says "Hi, Honey, great news, you still have your uterus, there was no Accreta! Every thing went really well!"

I, what? I'm alive??? Wait there was no Accreta?

My voice was strained but I had a slew of questions and didn't waste time asking them...

"Where is my baby? Is she ok? What time is it? How long was I out? Did I lose alot of blood? I am alive? I still have my uterus? There was no Accreta? NONE???"

They tell me she is ok, she was 5lbs 9oz, born at 12:25pm, healthy and Apgar score 9.9! She is amazing and is waiting for me in the general nursery no NICU needed. It's been 2 hours since she was born, the surgery still took 2 hours. I don't know why, but it went well, we were alive and safe, and that was all that mattered to me.

They wheel me back to recover in PACU, and assured me that she will be in my room when I go back, but I need to stay there for observation for at least 90 minutes. I watch the clock and tell myself that I can handle 90 minutes. I have to do this to get to my baby girl. I drift in and out of sleep, as I come to, again, watching the clock, minutes tick by slowly. It hits 90 minutes, "Can I go now?"

"Yep, just need to wait on transport, a few more minutes."

Tick tock, 10 minutes, 20, 30.

I am losing my determination to stay calm. The nurse sees that, and assures me it won't be much longer. 10 more minutes goes by, she has sat by my side the whole time and decides I need to see my baby. She grabs a few other nurses and says they aren't waiting anymore they wheel me up to the 3rd floor themselves. I get into the room, they slide me to the bed, get me set up and they wish me luck.

But, Where is my baby? She is supposed to be here??? It's now 5:30, she is 5 hours old and needs her mommy - 5 hours ago!

I am seconds away from tears when a knock on the door reveals my husband wheeling her in. I have to lay flat for 6 more hours, so they lay her on top of me skin to skin and she nurses immediately and I let go of everything. The events of the day are gone, there is only her and I and this moment. One that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Welcome my princess Cora Lynn!

Born 09/28/15 at 12:25pm. 5lbs 9oz, 18.5 inches.