Everything gets to me!

I'm a second time mom. With my first I had ppd really bad due to being so young & his dad in jail..I felt amazing after having my second! Until just a few weeks ago. (She just turned a month old last week) I've been crying about everything just depressed. Depressed that I'm nearly 21 with 2 kids 2 different fathers & that my son will never have his real "father", or that I'm not furthering my education to better my children's and my life. I see single moms working, going to school and being a mom while I'm sitting here doing nothing with my life. I'm extremely depressed about money! I haven't worked since July due to being put on rest so I have no money! Mh boyfriend is a truck driver so he's gone all the time. It's all just really getting to me & idk how to cope with it. :(