Finally doing IVF

JEN • Married 12/31/11 TTC since 1/1/12. We suffered a mc 12/23/14 :( started 2015 we did injections, still BFN, did 1 IUI BFN finally moved to IVF (long lupron protcol) in Sept. BFP! EDD 07/17/16
I feel like kicking myself for not doing this sooner. We did TI for 2 years with nothing happening. Started seeing our RE did TI with injections and had a mc last year, then in a last ditch effort did an <a href="">IUI</a> in August all BFN. So we finally bit the bullet and we are now doing <a href="">IVF</a>. I'm hoping that since I got pregnant before then I will again this time. My cervix has to be dilated which could explain why I'm not pregnant now. Anyone else finally go to <a href="">IVF</a> when everything else failed?