Do you smoke marijuana?

This is for a school paper, figured this was the easiest way to gather information! Feel free to comment your thoughts on it! Thanks for participating!

Vote below to see results!

311 views • 1 upvote • 8 comments



Posted at
I wouldn't suggest collecting data like this. This is not a simple random sample. Your data will be skewed as only women who use this app will see your poll. Definitely not random and not acceptable to represent a population. 


Megan • Oct 6, 2015
That's not statistically correct. It doesn't matter what the backgrounds are, it's automatically skewed because it's only representing people who use this app. So no. It is not acceptable statistically to poll this way.


Sedona • Oct 6, 2015
If think there are enough users with pretty different backgrounds and the subject isn't one that would have a gender bias. People have claimed glow is fairly liberal, but it's probs as random as if she walked up to people (given a bias on look and attire)


Posted at
Never and I'm 100% totally against it. I firmly believe it to be an addictive gateway drug. I also have experience in dealing with people getting mean, angry and violent while abusing it. I have PTSD from suffering from the affects of growing up around it. My biological mother abused it when she was pregnant with me and I have health problems that are a direct result from her abusing it while she was pregnant with me. I refuse to be around anyone that has used or uses and won't be allowing anyone around my children that abuse whether it is legalized or not.


Posted at
It shouldn't be abused as it does have long lasting side effects when abused but a little here and there never hurt anyone. it has been proven that it helps reduce/get rid of completely cancers and tumours. It has more health benefits than any superfood out there I'm all for it 


Ash • Oct 6, 2015
If abused it can cause scitzofrenia (not sure how to spell that). Loosing memory and slowing down your nervous system are more common although they can range in severity between people.


Sedona • Oct 6, 2015
What are the long lasting side effect? I know memory is one of them, but I'd take that over a scarred liver (alcohol) or shriveled up/coated lungs (cigarettes).


Posted at
can "not anymore" be an option? 😕