Abortion 20_22weeks

Need to know what to expect? Need to know options or personal stories?

Need help will share my story please no judging just help.

I got pregnant miracle to me, I wanted a family, I have been in a serious relationship talking about moving in getting married everything was happening all at once and I got pregnant, he had plans for other things saving up money and I was focused on moving in and getting married but this just spun us around time frame get married before the baby and money for baby & apartment & safe car and everything needed. I talked to him I looked up planned parenthood to talk and he saw I was reading about abortion, we both cried he was so angry said how could I be thinking about doing this told me to stop looking it up then the planned parenthood came on the news and he was more upset telling me go look at a baby fetus. I had asked him if he would stay during the pregnancy if we would be a family I didn't want to give my child the worry where's dad. He said yes and was happy Well he started drinking and smoking avoiding me things got weird talking about breaking up just guy was acting weird just was getting drunk and he left no text no phone calls I confront him what do we do about the baby are you coming to a ultrasound? No answer no text I see him before going to work he says I'm late for work tries running me over with a car basically I'm standing outside in the cold saying what can I do?

So back to abortion I feel it is right.