My August 10th birth story. Better late than never!

Well fellow August mommies, I'm a bit late posting my story, but here it is. Our 3rd daughter, Cecelia Marie, was due 8/9. On June 24th, at 33+5, I started having major contractions that sent me to the hospital. After being monitored (contractions every 3-4 min) examined (3cm dilated) and tested (fetal fibronectin), they determined I was definitely in preterm labor. I was admitted and given Magnesium Sulfate to stop the contractions and 2 shots of Betamethasone to mature her lungs. Finally, after 2 very long days bed ridden in the hospital, I was able to go home. The Magnesium was no joke. I felt as if I had been run over by a truck!  I lost my voice for 2 weeks and had the most awful pelvic pain. It literally felt like her head was between my legs!  I returned to work (unwillingly) for about 10 days until finally my doctor agreed I could start my leave. I was convinced it would only be a matter of time before she decided to come and was told that  if she did, they wouldn't try to stop her. Well, the weeks drug on (and on, and on). I was so uncomfortable and afraid to go too far from home. On July 31st, I was up practically all night with rather strong and consistent contractions so we decided to head back to the hospital. I was still only 3cm and my contractions had stopped by the time we got there. They had me walk the halls for 2 hours and checked again. No change, we were sent on our way. I started regularly taking Evening Primrose and bouncing on my yoga ball any chance I got. We tried almost every trick in the book to get this girl moving (nipple stimulation, sex, eggplant parm) to no avail. I finally accepted the fact that she will come when she's ready and as long as we are both healthy, I'd just enjoy these last days of pregnancy. Her due date (8/9) came and went. My doctor wasn't agreeable to induce until at least 41 weeks. Around 12:30am on 8/10, I was woken up by a strong contraction. I decided to stay in bed and try to sleep as long as possible. By 2:30am they were strong enough to keep me awake and pretty constant so I started timing them. They were coming every 5 minutes consistently. At 3:30am I woke my husband up to tell him I think it's time. My doctor told me to call when the contractions are 5 minutes apart for 2 hours. I decided I'd shower to pass the next hour. It took me that long to shower, shave, and blow dry my hair. We called my MIL & SIL. My MIL came over to stay with our daughters (Zoe 13 & Ava 9), so we wouldn't have to wake them. My SIL is a nurse in the Mother/Infant Unit at the hospital we delivered in so she came with. We arrived and checked in via the Emergency Department at 6:08am and was taken to OB Triage. They hooked me up to the monitor and my contractions had all but stopped. I was seriously ready to scream. After 20 minutes the nurse came in and said she could unhook me since there wasn't much going on and that I could walk until the doctor came in to check my cervix (by 7am). I paced the room and started contracting again (thank God). The doctor finally came in around 7:30am and found me to be 6cm. Yay!  I was relieved that I wasn't going to be sent home. They started the paperwork and asked if I was interested in an epidural. I contemplated it since at the moment I wasn't in much pain but decided I better say yes now since it may take a while for it to happen. I was comfortable enough to walk down the hall to L&D where I was started on an IV and was told the anesthesiologist was in the OR but should be finishing up soon and will be in to start my epidural. By 8am, after about 15 minutes of casual conversation with my husband and SIL, things got real. My contractions started coming something fierce. I couldn't sit on my bottom because I felt like I was sitting on her head. I was holding the bed rail and shaking and crying. Trying to breathe and keep calm. The pain was unbelievable and there was no rest between the contractions. I wasn't even sure how I would be able to sit up and stay still for an epidural. The anesthesiologist finally strolls in around 8:30am at the same time as my OB. He sees the absolute terror on my face and got right to checked my cervix before letting them start the epidural process. He asked how my contractions have been to which my husband snapped back "constant". He checks and asks me to give a "practice push" and says  to the anesthesiologist "yeah, she's complete, no time for the epidural you can leave". OMG. I am now freaking out in my head. How can I do this with no epidural?  Not even something in my IV for pain?  I'm in so much pain that I'm unable to vocalize any of my concerns. All I know is I need to get this baby out NOW!  It's a blur. There are now nurses and doctors everywhere in my room. Getting there gloves and gowns on. Taking my bed apart. Preparing their tools. I'm literally clawing the bed and growling.  Now my legs are in the stirrups, my husband on one side and SIL on the other. I started pushing immediately hoping to stop the excruciating pain. The "ring of fire" is real my friends, I thought satan was going to climb out of my womb!  She was still in her sac so they broke my bag after my 2nd push (which by the way shot out at their faces like a fire hose!). 3rd push and her head was out. The doctor said "ok, you can stop and wait for your next contraction to push again". To which my reply was "oh no I can't!". I pushed again right away and she was out!  At 8:51am my 8lb 6oz 20in gorgeous girl was plopped right on my chest. The relief from pain was immediate. The high of the whole process took over and all I could feel was love!  They finished delivering my placenta and stitched me up (only a 1st degree tear!). It felt uncomfortable but nothing compared to what just happened. I never thought I'd be capable of giving birth sans pain medication, but that's what we're built to do!  I honestly was a bit traumatized mainly because everything happened so fast. However, I was up and out of bed less than an hour after giving birth so I guess it has its benefits. I'm sorry for such a long story but I wanted to include my whole experience. Thanks for reading and best of luck to everyone with their new additions and to those still waiting. 
Cecelia Marie Rivera
EDD: 8/9/15
DOB: 8/10/15 @ 8:51am
8 lbs 6 oz 20 in