Can't see midwife til 37 weeks 😔

Kirstie • Beautiful baby girl. So grateful and blessed every day <3
I went for my 34 week check up yesterday and ended up having to go to the hospital for monitoring. Baby's heart rate was high and wasn't going down so they just wanted to monitor and check. Baby had a nap half way through monitoring so they wouldn't let me go til she was active again. Heart rate stayed at about 155-160 which they said is fine and within the normal range so we were sent home. Called to book my 36 week app today and can't get one now til I'm 37 weeks. I'm so worried now that I won't get another check up for 3 weeks and that something might happen in that time. I don't know if I'm just being silly, I was trying to be so calm yesterday when we had to go in that it's all coming out this morning! I'm petrified that something could go unnoticed in that time. Sorry for a massive post but I needed to get it off my chest to other ladies who are going through it at the same time!Â