My birth story!!! Zoë Rue has arrived!!!

Lost my part of my mucus plug Sunday afternoon. Went to bed Sunday night feeling fine and as of my last weekly check up I was 0 dilated.  Woke up to what felt like menstrual cramps at 1:00am. Thought it was indigestion or the need to pass stool....but then!.......those "cramps" became more frequent.  I then woke up my husband and asked him to start timing what seemed like contractions. I called the doctor in the morning because I lost my mucus plug and the contractions. She told me to visit the office to check for any loss of amniotic fluid; however, drive to the hospital if the contractions become more frequent and stronger. During the drive in my contractions did just that! So off to the hospital we go!!! Based on the doctor's check I was 2 centimeters. They kept me because of the pain I was in. During the contractions, I did so well breathing and doing counter pressure techniques with my hubby; however, it had gotten to the point where I gave in to the epidural! The breaking point for me was the thought that I had between 2 - 10 centimeters to go and the pain during that time would get worst. I dilated to 5 centimeters within 3 hours with the epidural  nd was told I was doing good considering. Nurse came in an hour later and said I was 9 centimeters but wasn't ready to push. I said...."ok...I'm ready to do this. Come on pressure I can push!"  Unfortunately the doctor came in later and said I'm only 6 centimeters. 😤😤😤😤 I said "ok.....I still can do this."  Unfortunately (again) something got in the way of pushing. The baby's heartbeat dropped significantly several times during contractions. The doctor swiftly and sternly made the decision for a c-section. My husband was concerned the doctor was pushing for a c-section for convenience/not considering alternatives before c-section, but I "knew" it was right!  Right before our eyes the heart rate went from ~130 to ~90 several times. In my opinion, there's nothing "ok" about that. So I said "let's go do this!"  Was wheeled into the surgical room (not code red style so it wasn't totally traumatic) and that's when I began to get scared. I told myself to keep my eyes on the floor so I couldn't see any scary surgical tools or the room that in my opinion is naturally ominous due to the surgical feel of it all. On the table I started trembling partly because it was cold (which they laid a warm blanket across my arms as a result) and scared/nervous. It was then that my husband was allowed to come in to be by my side! I then started the breathing techniques again and gazed into my hubby's brown eyes. This calmed me!!!! Next thing I know the doctor said, "you'll feel a little pressure."  Seconds later I heard her first cry and I then teared up!!! It was God's gift!!!!
Now we are home enjoying baby girl and I couldn't be happier! 😍😍👧🏾👧🏾