Texting and driving sent me into labor

Week 38!! The week I kept saying baby EVANA would arrive. 
It happen but not under normal circumstances. Driving to go sign my oldest daughter up in dance we were tboned by a lady who was to Involved in her phone to see she was running a red light. 
After I got hit I instantly had some serious back pain. Went to labor and delivery to be monitored. I was totally haven contractions but was a consistent four. 
Ready to send me home I didn't feel comfortable because the contractions were painful and I didn't want to leave and not know when to come back. They agreed to check me one more time to help ease my mind. Hold up, now we are at a five and 80%!! They called my doctor and admitted right after that, around 10:30 pm. 
It was a slow start beginning with the epi!! I was given zero assistance with it all and my body just kept moving along.. 6 7 8... 
Around 7 I thought my water broke but really it was a lot of blood that we still don't know what from. 8 my water broke and all clear fluid! 
Man oh man!! Once my water broke it speed way up and talk about pain! I'll admit I was balling in pain and thankful for the extra meds! Those who can do this naturally y'all are strong and I look up to you! 
Four or six pushes she was here in my arms! 
8 pounds 5 ounces and 19 inches long!!