telling my dad😐

so i told my dad im pregnant an all he called say is that the baby is a "mistake"!.really! my baby is not a mistake yes its a surprise but god choice me to carry this baby to me this baby is a gift from god an im sorry dad that u didnt plan for me an my sibliings an that were ur mistakes but dont call my baby a mistake its not an anybody who says it is can stay out of my "mistakes" life!to me no kid is a mistake it might be unplanned but never a mistake god gived u this baby to care for it to love it guide it an he obviously knows i can handle it even wen i think idk if i can i no deep down that i can an all my dads family can say is i made a mistake but its not i cant wait til my baby is born so i can gold it an tell it that it was never a mistake causr im gonna love my kid unconditionally 😢👶