Panic Attacks:How do u deal with it???

Have panic attacks every week,it's hard to deal with it,do u have tips for yours???
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I have pretty severe attacks, so when this happens I have to be alone. I sit down on the floor with my head in between my knees to keep me from throwing up. When I'm hyperventilating I count how many times I breathe in and out.If I'm in a situation where I cannot react like that, I read this online and tried it- surprisingly enough it helped, I looked around my surrounding areas and found one thing I could touch, one thing I could smell, one thing I could taste, one thing I thought was beautiful. In doing this, it's distracting you and it's showing your mind you have control of what's happening around you.


Kassie 👑 • Oct 14, 2015
I will try that, thanks for the tip Jordan!!! It's appreciate!!! good luck on your side!!!!!


Posted at
I don't know if it will work for you because my panic attacks are pretty mild, but I like to try to bring myself back to the present by focusing on my surroundings. I notice where I am and remind myself that it's a safe environment. And in this very moment, this second, I'm okay and nothing is hurting me. Right now everything is fine and I'm going to be ok. It will pass soon. Sometimes I even imagine the panic attack as a wave and I'm simply riding it out. Try to remind yourself to breathe deeply and that it will be over soon ☺️ xx


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Thanks A🌟R sometimes its very big ones like I'm totally losing control of my body 😰I'm about to see a psychologist bout it but id like to take myself down to earth by myself,specially when I'm alone the toughest ones happen then 😢😢😢


Kassie 👑 • Oct 11, 2015
How are you today???


A🌟R • Oct 10, 2015
You will be able to do it eventually, I promise :) your psychologist will be able to give you heaps of techniques to use. I think everyone wants to be able to overcome things like these by ourselves, but sometimes things can't be done without some help. Good luck at your first appointment!!