Sophia Faith :)

So I had a regular doctor appointment today and Dr didn't like the way my blood pressure kept going up so sent me to L&D to get monitored but I was fine and was discharged at 11am. So day goes on and I'm walking around the mall and suddenly I get a really bad headache, vision gets blurry, chest starts hurting and it gets hard to I call my OB and she says to go ahead and head to L&D (this is around 6pm) so I do and my blood pressure is not looking good, I was having some contractions and Dr says well your having the baby tonight. At 11:25pm on Oct.8 baby Sophia Faith entered the world weighing in at 7lbs 13oz. I was over filled with joy and cried when I heard her first cries... Mommy and daddy are so in love with our lil baby girl.