Elizabeth Grace has arrived! πŸ‘‘πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸŽ€

Elizabeth Grace wasn't due until November 1st but decided to make her way into this world on Wednesday, October 7th at 6:33am weighing 6lbs, 19in long. We weren't expecting her almost a month early πŸ˜• I was at work on Tuesday and I had a migraine since the day before and had started experiencing a stiff neck. I called my OB and they suggested that I make my way in for a checkup which I was scheduled for on Thursday. I waited a little because I had things to take care of at work πŸ˜† but then decided I should head to the doctor. So my husband picked me up and off I went. After arriving they checked my vitals and said everything was fine, asked if I wanted to do my vaginal exam at this time so I didn't have to come back on Thursday. During the exam my doctor announced that I was 5 cm dilated 😳😁😳 what?! I thought I had been having Braxton hicks, nothing painful to all. After almost having an anxiety attack we went across the street to the hospital and I was admitted. This happened around 2pm, by 9pm I was laughing and dancing around still ok, no pain, but I hadn't dilated anymore. They decided to break my waters and give me Pitocin. Then bam, I was in so much pain from the contractions, I also felt that she was pinching a nerve. I opted for the epidural since it was taking so long to dilate. I pushed all night, then had to get a second dose of the epidural. Wednesday morning I was so exhausted and delusional, I had chills and she wasn't positioned properly, her oxygen levels were going down so they had me sign papers for a c-section. I started crying because I knew she was early and wanted to make sure I delivered vaginally thinking it would be better for her lungs. So, the doctor tried one last time to rotate her, which was so painful! He did an episiotomy, and said the cord was wrapped around her neck. Everything happened so fast. I just remember him urging me to push and finally she was out! I love her to pieces! We are still in the hospital, but hoping to get discharged today. She is getting UV therapy 😎