Lightening crotch?

Danielle • Pregnant with our first baby! Due Jan 3, 2016. We are over the moon!
Okay ladies, I really need some opinions and input on this because I am really starting to worry myself. I'm going to try to keep this as short as possible. Last week I was seen for bleeding but everything checked out. Baby, placenta, animiotic fluid, blood work, and cervix were perfect. But, for the past few days a new symptom has graced me w its presence. I've had some pretty intense sharp pains shooting from my belly button to my pelvic bone. I've never had them before and it stops me in my tracks. Getting up off of the couch, chair, bed, what have you can be a challenge. Now, I've done a bit of research, but I've read it can be completely normal in the 3rd trimester. (I'm 28 weeks). But it's so hard to brush off as a "normal pregnancy symptom" considering it's so painful. Has anyone else experienced this? Thoughts, advice? Thanks guys!