Really bad anxiety 😩

I'm a FTM and I had my baby girl on Tuesday thru an emergency c section at 34 weeks and 4 days and she is currently in nicu. I woke up with such bad anxiety because I am being released this morning however she won't be released for another week or two. This just doesn't seem natural or right that I am packing my things to leave, yet I'm leaving my most precious and important thing. I don't live far from the hospital, about 15 minutes and my husband keeps telling me he will bring me as often as I want but it's just not the same. I know that she needs to stay and get stronger but I just don't want her to stay. I'm so emotional I don't know how to handle all these different emotions and I've just been sitting here crying. Anyone else ever go thru this and how do you cope because I am a reck.Â