Thinking of leaving my boyfriend... 💔

So I left this guy I was with he was great at the beginning but then started being really controlling.. But now I'm with this other guy and have been for a year but it doesn't feel right like my other relationship did, we hardly agree on anything & it feels like I can't talk to him about anything.. At the start I thought things would get better but they haven't! His hurt me before because he left me (when we were arguing) to go to his sisters place and he ignored my messages/calls I then found out his ex was also at the house, we ended up getting back together after a day of arguing he said they did nothing at all but I just find it so hard to believe because she inboxed him on fb saying that he was crying to her when I asked him he denied it but then later told me he shed one tear because she said when she broke up with him that he was holding her back etc!! I forgave him (sort of) but I went to confront her about things and he didn't want to come with me to back me up in front of her? He was angry instead and said I should leave it! Then he said "you try be with someone for 7 years" I get that she has hurt him and they spent a fair bit of time together but if he wasn't ready to move on then why did he?? She also hurt him very much by cheating on him 3 times that he knows of... Now he wants a baby and I'm so scared that I can't trust him, he never helps me around the house & never gives me any attention! I feel like he doesn't love me... His constantly hiding things from me & checking out other girls... I'm so scared to trust him! I turned 18 six months ago and I haven't been out yet because I'm scared if I do he'll get angry and leave me to go see his ex again... I don't feel like he loves me, I feel like his trying to replace her... I've had suicidal thoughts because of this & I have anxiety and when I would sit up at night and cry he would just tell me to go to sleep and now he made me get on meds because he can't handle me having anxiety, I do everything I can to please him but he just doesn't love me 💔💔💔

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