UTI or something else? help! (Tmi)

Ok this is kind of gross so I'll just jump right in.  I'm 3 days pre AF and been thinking for a few days I might be pregnant, first because I just "had a feeling" and the last few days because something new and weird seems to pop up every day!  First it was extreme fatigue (like I ran a marathon every day even if I just sat on the couch.  I would sleep 10 hours and want to pass out again 3 hours later, and that hasn't changed), then extreme moodiness (my poor husband!), then bloating/headaches/sore breasts etc, then today I started with the frequent urination.  It feels almost like when j had kidney stones about a year ago, but no pain really, just what feels like so much pressure I can't hold it even if I just went.  So my question is, for those of you who have experienced incontinence due to pregnancy, did it feel like that or does this sound more like a UTI/kidney stones?  I feel like so many crazy things are happening I can't even tell what's in my head and what's not.  If it helps I've also tested with those Wondfo strips and they've been negative, but I ordered a whole bunch on Amazon and at least half of the shipment is visibly damaged so I'm not sure how trustworthy they are (at least half of them either are completely pink so no lines are visible, or else don't even get the control line when used so they're not valid).  Thanks so much for reading!