Did a fortune teller ever tell you that you were pregnant?

In my province we have communities very close and there's a well known women that reads cards. My sister is 7 days late after taking her BC recklessly and then fully stopping it. My mom and her is after going to this fortune teller and some predictions came true like there's going to be a death in the family,my uncle died shortly after. My sister went tonight and she told her 'you're pregnant' and after told her 'you're having a girl' my sister now thinks she's pregnant by this even though she's 7 days late and all negative tests. She hasn't used morning urine! Just pee and take a test whenever. She believes this because when her friend walked into the same women said 'your having a boy' and turned out she was,another girl was told she will be pregnant by 18 and she was. I don't really believe it because I think she's thinking about it way too much and it's why she's late and she definitely shouldn't be pregnant right now and she's only FWB(friends with benefits) with this guy for a very long time.. He will not make it official and she didn't tell him she stopped taking BC either. She also said that someone would be jealous about the baby and I think I would be. For a few years my SO doesn't want a baby for many reasons and we aren't in a situation where we are okay to have a child but that doesn't stop my baby fever lol. Opinions?