No sex drive?

Kristen • First time mommy to be. Expecting our baby boy January 2016 ❤️
So am I the only one with no sex drive at all? I mean I feel like a beached whale, swollen feet, leaky breasts, a butt that needs it's own area code, and along with not being able to see down south let's face it I don't feel very attractive. 
Now here the catch. Most men lie and  tell you how old you look when you finally get ready for something, mine doesn't. I'll make a comment about feel especially big and whale like, and he agrees. It's like he can't lie just to make me feel good? Then complains that we haven't had sex in almost a month😂
So I go upstairs where he's laying in bed and he watches me take me shorts and panties off and climb into bed (because I had a bit of a drive) and he lays down and falls a sleep 😑 I'm done lol.
Anyone else experiencing this? My girl friend said she had a crazy high sex drive when pregnant.