10 weeks, so confused

Elaine • Photographer, and mommy to a wonderful 4 year old girl. We really just want a bigger family
Ugh! I'm 10 weeks today, and if you all have been following my previous posts I was told 2 weeks ago that there was "no activity" in the egg sack (before that they couldn't find anything, and thought it could be ectopic, only to find out that my uterus is tilted and it's hard to see things). ANYWAYS, I've still had no cramping or bleeding. I was given a few options, including a D&C, and I opted to just let my body do whatever it needs to do naturally. Nothing is happening though...
Tomorrow I have a follow up appointment, I'm trying to get the best advice on the next steps I should take. My heart is telling me to ask for more blood work, and another ultrasound.