
I have been locked away for the past week.
I didn't want to be around any family because they have been stressing me out. My mom and I are on the outs and are arguing about baby things. 
Half the time I hate my SO and want to leave him.
My SOs mom is SO EXCITED and his family has been trying to reach out to me and I just give short responses and decline invitations to be with them (it's mostly his mom).
I pretended to be sick tonight so I wouldn't have to go over for dinner and I ignored his moms text wishing me well and telling me she missed me (not me, her grand baby, right? Or so I felt....)
When my SO came home he had a gift for me from his mom... It was a little kit for the hospital. Nursing tank, Chapstick, fuzzy socks... The works. 
 I felt like such a bitch, I busted out in tears. And suddenly how I've felt everyday for the last week seems irrational. But I was so sure I felt that way. 
I just feel out of control.
I can't wait to have this baby.