Need Some Advice?

Hi My name is Chelsea, in December ill turn 23 years old. I am still a Virgin I have not had any sexual contact ever. (I'm a Firm believer to wait until your wedding night to have sex)

That I know of my periods has seemed to be irregular I just started to really track them at the beginning of this year (2015) although I've always had a period every month I missed my period in September 2015 I've done some research and supposedly the average women will have 11-13 periods a year I don't know for myself how true this really is tho..

Since August I have been dealing with Stress due to my family and I have went on a weight loss journey loosing 13 pounds I am learning how to deal with my stress and finding a better balance on my health/Weight.

Today I have been moody and irritable my stomach is bloated up kinda big and I'm have cramps that make me feel like my period is coming, but I really dont know if I have ovulated between August 20 til today October 12. I hope I get my period soon and my Question is.

If I don't get my period by November 1st Should I make an appointment to see my Doctor?

In Previous years I really don't know if this has happened to me so I'm kinda clueless on this I would greatly appreciate any advice..

Here is my Chart from beginning of year until now!