Feeling like I have to pee all the time?

Hey peoples, looking for a little medical knowledge if anyone can help. And yes, if it gets worse I will see my doctor.  But for the past few days I tend to feel like I have to pee all the time.  No I'm not pregnant. And it's not that I actually have to pee. Usually I'll pee and like 30 min later I'll feel like I have to go again, but when I sit on the toilet and go it's like I got nothing cuz I already went before.  Anyway I don't think it's overactive bladder I suppose, cuz I don't feel like there's any pressure on my bladder or in my abdomen or anything like that, and I'm not leaking in between going.  The feeling is generally in my vaginal or I suppose urethral area that I've got that feeling like I need to go.  Anyone have any insight?