Hysteroscopy-success after procedure??

Nikki • Self employed artist- married to the love of my life on 3/24/12-- ttc since August 2014 ***Baby O'Hung due 8/10/16***
I had a hysteroscopy today at my RE's office to find any problems that are contributing to me not getting pregnant (HSG and saline hysterogram have been done earlier in the summer--everything looked ok). During the procedure the dr found a polyp near the entrance of my uterus and the uterine lining was thicker than usual...even though I just finished my period (the polyp and the extra lining were removed during the procedure). The dr also found that my uterus is heart-shaped on top, and was able to fix it. 
Since we won't be doing clomid and a 2nd <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> this month I'm taking it easy while I heal. Has anyone else had success getting pregnant after getting fixed up during a hysteroscopy? I'd love to hear some encouraging stories! Baby dust to all the ladies! ❤️❤️❤️❤️