Need support and advice

I really scared to talk about it but I have no one to talk to please don't judge me PLEASE ,I try make it straight to the point. I went to pick up my daughter from her father house we been divorced for 2 years due to him abusing me my daughter was 1 year old, I married again a year after her father, My husband now I've been with for 10 years he's my soul mate he so good to me I feel ashamed dirty and says he deserves better why I feel that way is the day I picked my daughter up my X Raped me and I never told a soul because he said if I did he would harm me and my daughter and I believed him from previous hits and beatings but I'm so scared that my son could be his and my husband been their every step of the way I couldn't tell my husband he raped me he already want to get a hold of him from what he use to do to me my son loves my husband I feel pain. My heart aches any advice please I feel so much hurt and I don't know what to do please someone 😔 And we been ttc for 4 years and nothing I so lost and confused