No idea what's wrong with me

So... I don't even know how to put this it sounds crazy but there's a couple parts to it and I wanted to know if anyone has heard of anything like it... So this has only started in the past few months. At random times these lines appear in my mind it looks like when you look at the sun and then look away that sort of color but they're lines and they're moving- and to explain this any more I have to explain the other part- things I see like in a room if I feel like they're heavier (not physically but like if they have more emphasis in my brain kind of?) then wherever it is in the room the corresponding part of my face will feel heavy or like there's pressure on it? I'm really bad at explaining it I'm sorry but here's an example- this happened last night- there were 4 glasses on the table and someone scooted one of them over and I have a problem with things being dragged nothing can be dragged it has to be picked up or else my brain feels pressure where that item is so I picked up the glass and set it back down but then that still had more emphasis on it that any of the other glasses so I had to pick of the other 3 and set them back down again. It's like things have to be balanced in my mind it's weird- but back to the first part about the lines- I needed to explain that part so you would understand that the lines make my brain and face and body feel heavy or pressure on different parts and I can't stop he lines from moving like its my mind you would think I could stop things from moving but I can feel them and I can see them and they make me feel so off balance like I feel like if I stand up I'll fall over its so unbalanced and the only way I can stop them is by physically moving like sometimes I'll have to move my head to physically stop them or move my body in some way my brain can't control it and when my brain feels off balanced I have to imagine lines like these but ones I create so I can control them and I have to move them around so everywhere feels balanced but even then I can't always move them how I want they'll start twisting and going in different directions and it almost hurts and I can't stop them it's getting really bad and I don't know if any of this will make sense to anyone I've been researching schizophrenia and I've noticed I have some other symptoms of it but I'm not convinced because I don't hear voices or see things I just feel things I feel things that I know are not normal and I can't control things in my mind no matter how hard I concentrate and I'm getting scared it's getting worse and please no one tell me to go to a mental health professional because I'm trying to but I'm only 16 so I would need to tell my mom and I don't want her to worry but I'm working on it just has anyone ever heard of anything like this