Pregnancy massage (so glad I went)

Lucy • 26. Married. First born- Jackson 💙 16.03.16. Planning in trying for no.2 in 2018!

I had a wonderful pregnancy massage yesterday, I thought it may help relax me and help with my back that seems to be tight on my upper back and kind of "grinding" now and again on my lower back. This is probably no help to my job as I'm a hairdresser and am otherwise fit and healthy with a normal BMI.

I was surprised to find out that my hip is slightly out of alignment which can cause discomfort when I get bigger and also cause issues in labour. I have been refered to an osteopath who should be able to sort this problem before I get too big! (I am almost 15 weeks).

If it wasn't for the pregnancy massage I would never have known! So I highly recommend going for one, even if it is just for the relaxation, they also have other great benefits 😀

Off to the osteopath next week for me!