Positive people!!!

Kokopelli • I need a stork, lol

Okay I know this will sound so horrible to say but it's just how I feel. Don't mean to personally attack anyone.

So here's my rant! Lol

Don't you ever get tired of hearing the overly positive people saying things like "oh your turn will come" or "it's not your time yet" or "just give it time" Rrrrrrrrr those drive me insane! Lol

What about all the women trying for 10+ years, are they still waiting for the "right time"?

It's like how do YOU know it'll happen one day for her or me or anyone. It breaks my heart that I see so many women trying for YEARS and honestly it scares me to death that can be me too. I've been trying for 17 months now and that already feels like an eternity. I give major kudos for everyone who continues to fight to become a mother, no matter how long your fight is.

This is just me showing my ugly frustrations with ttc, again I'm sorry, just had to get it off my chest....and yes, I feel better now lol.