Anyone tested negative, but was positive blood test?

Has anyone been late for their period, got their period, showed negative at home pregnancy tests, and ended up positive in blood work? 
At most, I'm about 4 weeks. Have many symptoms. My period came 8 days late on October 1st, and was a weird period which for two days was barely nothing then heavy for two days. My body feels different, and I kinda had the feeling I was pregs on October 23rd. It all seems to line up, or am I crazy?
I've been fatigued since the 20th of September. Have had to take naps midday and sleepy by 6pm and asleep by 9. My belly is bloated, my boobs are bigger!! And I've had emotional crying fits appear out of nowhere. And acne pop up which I only normally get the week before my period.
Talk about dizzy and headaches. And waking up with dry mouth and super thirsty. 
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Posted at
Been in the exact same position. Congratulations! You're pregnant. 


Posted at
wooww all this is happening too me this pass 2 weeks the test was negative but ama wait till friday to get a blood test 🙏🏻


Cassie • Oct 14, 2015
Yea?! Did you get a period too?? I read online that some women get what appears to be a normal period. Hope you get the confirmation you're seeking! My appointment is next week. :/ I'm so nervous.