Feeling like most everything is not good enough. Please help!

I am engaged and we've been together a little more than a year. I love him to death and we are great for each other. What I'm wondering about is kind of equality in your relationship.
A brief description: when we got together he was unemployed and didn't have a working truck. Didn't bother me and I was helpful when I could be with rides and little things. Then I let him move in a few months later after he did have a job. He's very hard headed and likes to quit and threaten quitting when he's upset or realizes he doesn't like the job. Since we got together he's had 3 jobs and I stay positive but also hold strong and voice my opinion. Such as telling him not to give up so soon and stuff like that.
WELL.. I was unemployed for the summer, my long time job dropped in hours and wasn't paying enough. He even recommend quitting and finding something better. At the end I felt like I was unsupported by him.
I am employed now and I hardly get time with him because of our hours and how much I'm working.
What I am hearing him say is that it's my fault we are behind on bills and I'm still not making enough. I do get very upset when he says things like that and I tell him that it's not very nice for him to say it and be so rude. 
So here's my question:
I hate the fact that even though I supported him, I hardly see him anymore and that I am trying hard he still thinks it's not good enough and I'm not doing enough. Plus when he blames everything on me.. What would you do/say? How would you try to get him to finally realize that I do not think any of it is ok? Please help.