What to tell people about surgery

Starlight • Expecting a miracle baby after a long road!
Hi new friends...I hope some of you can help me with this. I have an upcoming diagnostic laparoscopy/lysis of adhesions and hysteroscopy in 2 weeks. I work with teenagers, and I'm trying to figure out how to tell them and some of their parents very vaguely why I will be out with surgery for a few days. My HS Theatre teacher told us horrifying details about her endometriosis and the state of each tube and reproductive issues...and looking back, I think that was inappropriate. 
So I can just say, "I will be having a small surgery." But then I don't know what to say next when they ask "on what" or "what's wrong?" I don't want to say "female problems" or "we are trying to have a baby," or "my left tube is blocked," but I really don't know what else to say. If you've been there or have an idea, please share!