Need advice!

My boyfriend and I broke up when I was 26 weeks pregnant. We both have done something wrong and now we're back together again.
But things are a little weird. Since we broke up and I really needed some support so my mom lives with me now. And since we got back together he comes here every night to take care of me. He is a real sweetheart since we made up. 
The only thing is that he refused to meet my mom. He said that we are still fixing things and he wants to take things slow. I understand that but it's so weird that he's here every night but still avoiding my mom. I think this is really inappropriate and disrespectful to my mom. But I don't know what to do. I talked to him about this and I told him he will have to meet her anyway, because they will both be there when I deliver. He said well then he will meet her when I'm in labor. But I really don't want this.
Advice pls!