I'm so upset

I am almost 8 weeks along and I have only told my husband, my parents and two girlfriends. Well I made a mistake telling one of them. I was at a party last night and a mutual friend of one of the girls I told that I'm not very close with pretty much comes right out and tells me she heard "through the grapevine" that we are expecting. I denied it...I am not ready to talk about it or have it be public knowledge and I am sooo upset that my friend blabbed about it. Now I have to wonder who else she told!! She was wasted last night at the party so she probably spilled then. She had confided in me about an abortion and we have been close for a long time, so I thought I could confide in her. I feel betrayed and don't like the idea of being gossiped about. We haven't even told his parents or my other close friends. It is weird because we tried for a baby for 9 mos and I was so frustrated that it wasn't happening but now that it has I am terrified and second guessing and like in denial! So I am coming to terms with it and I'm sure I will be ok in time, but the last thing I wanted right now is for a random friend to ask about it. Just needed to vent! Can anyone relate?