Please dont read if youre feeling nervouse or scared about your pregnancy.

Gemma • I have 3yo twins from a prev relationship, hoping to have baby #3 with my wonderful fiancé. Been trying for 16 month xxx

I'm sorry to put a dampner on things but there aren't any other groups I can post in and I really need to just get my feelings out there.

Well this was my fourth pregnancy having had three miscarriages previously. I went for my scan yesterday only to find that bub hadn't grown as much as should have and there was no heartbeat. I've had a silent miscarriage.

I'm devastated. I've been in bed all day. I don't feel able to speak to everyone else truthfully about it as I don't want to worry or upset anyone.

I just feel so numb I never wanna be pregnant again. I want to know why this keeps happening. My first ever pregnancy was prefect I have no identical twins they are my world but how can I go from being super fertile to loosing 4 babas within 18months.

I just want it out like now. Its horrible to say isn't it? I feel awful

Has anyone ever been through this before? What happened? How did you cope??

Sorry if I've worried anyone
