Braxton Hicks? NEED OPINIONS

Amy • After four consecutive losses we welcomed our rainbow baby on 2/17/16. Amazing.
Hi ladies- I'm 21 weeks with rainbow. Lost four back to back early in prior pregnancies. 37 y/o. I started having contractions last week. The first night they were regular coming every 5 minutes so I called the doc. He asked a bunch of questions and told me to take 800mg ibuprofen and benedryl and try to sleep. Go to hospital if it gets worse. It didn't get any worse. 
Fast forward one day and I called back because I was at work and every time I stood up from my desk, I would have one. They aren't painful just uncomfortable and they last a long time, way more than a minute. This time a nurse said if they get painful or 'worse' to go to the hospital. 
Fast Forward another day and I am moving from an apartment to a house, so I've been busy. Not lifting but busy. And work has been very stressful. Today I feel like I'm having one long contraction. Perhaps stronger than before, but still not painful. And they go away when I sit still.
Are these Braxton Hicks or early labor???? I'm feeling the baby move... I hate to go to the hospital if I don't need to but I am thoroughly concerned. 
What would you guys do? Has this happened to any of you before?
Thanks for reading and responding.