My little princess decided to be fashionably late

My little princess decided to be fashionably late! My dr and I agreed to be induced on Friday October 16, at 5 days overdue. The night before I had contractions all night that we're getting worse and worse. Then stopped around 6am, so no hope in natural delivery! 
We went into the hospital at 8:30am, her heart rate was 198 so they kept a watch on us, I was 4cm come to find out my water had broken without me knowing. They gave me the antibiotics for my positive group b strep as well as an iv for dehydration and continued to watch us. Shortly after I started contracting but wasn't able to feel them. Her heart rate finally came down around 11am and contractions were starting to become painful all on my own, they gave me pitocin but at a low grade as I was progressing on my own. By 12 I was in active labor. I attempted the laughing gas, but there was nothing funny about this pain! I got the epidural around 2. My dr didn't want to check me since my waters had broken and she was unsure for how long. She just said let me know when you have to push. Around 3:30 she came in to check since my contractions were 2-3 min apart soon as I opened my legs you could see her head. Around 3:50 I started pushing and my baby girl Kaylee Adell was born at 3:59!!! No tearing 7lbs 9 oz 19.5 in!!! 
She's perfect!!! Sleeps very well and had no problems latching!