
Bea • girl 11/7/13 boy 5/27/16 #3 due 1/29/19
I don't think it is appropriate to ask a woman of she is pregnant, regardless of how far along she may look. If she doesn't mention it, then there must be a reason. We have not mentioned our pregnancy to anyone yet, I don't even look or feel pregnant so it has been pretty easy to hide so far. Well yesterday my mother-in-law asked me if I was pregnant, I just said I don't know because we haven't even had an ultrasound yet and I'm not ready to tell anybody, but she just kept asking me questions trying to figure it out and it was really pissing me off. If I wanted to tell her I was pregnant I would have, I do not like being bombarded with questions I don't feel comfortable answering at the moment. Sorry just needed to rant.