Just had the worst dream πŸ˜΄πŸ˜³πŸ˜”

Ugh these crazy vivid dreams are awful! I dreamed my three year old daughter was riding her bike for the first time with her cousins. I was trotting along beside her to keep anything from happening. She started getting good and gained some momentum, I glanced behind me to check if her cousins were doing okay and when I looked back my daughter had taken off, she started approaching a step speed bump that I had a bad feeling about and I called for her to slow as I started running but it was too late and her bike flipped she landed face down and slid on the concrete and rolled. As I'm running towards her I see that she is not moving, unconscious and there's blood everywhere, but before I get to her I woke up. 😣 awful awful dream! 
Anyone else having nightmares too? I thought we were supposed to get happy dreams! All my aunts did. Apparently I'm just the super unlucky one. πŸ˜’πŸ˜”πŸ˜’ at least it was a relief to wake up!