Rant!!!!! Raise your children right.


Today as I was walking my dog, as I do every day around this time, I ran across a group of elementary age kids (probably between the ages of 5 and 10) walking home from school. I braced myself for the usual freaking out kids do when they pass a dog, especially one as fluffy as my German Shepherd. I stopped, let them say hi to my dog, and then continue on my way. What I didn't prepare for was what came out of one of the little boy's mouth as I passed by. "Damn girl I wanna tap that ass"...EXCUSE ME??? The other boys laughed, hi fived him, and continued to cat call to me and make comments on my body. I felt absolutely enraged. If they were grown men, I would have absolutely gone off of them, but being so they were kids, I continued on my way without remark. I didn't know what to do or say. I felt so gross and wrong and angry and sad all at once. Where were these kid's parents? Who taught them that it was ok to sexualize any girl like that, let alone an ADULT??

It's scary that at that age they thought it was ok...what will they think is acceptable as they get older?? Rape?

Geez...I just....I'm lost for words.

Mamas, please teach your boys this behavior is NOT ok, and your girls that it's not EVER acceptable.

What should I have done? If I encounter them again, what should I do? What would you have done??