WHY you should exercise during pregnancy

Lauren • Loving this blessed life with my husband and baby girl! Can't wait to see what more God will do with our lives!
Our Baby girl didn't come naturally, but she only needed a little bit of help. We checked into the hospital on 10/14/15 at 7:30am. After getting all the initial tests done and everything figured out they gave me a cervical ripening pill at around noon. Around 6pm they put in a cervical balloon. I started labor following that at 11:30pm. They gave me one dose of pitocin and I couldn't handle it so they turned it off. At 3:30am they took the balloon out and I was dilated to 6cm. At 4:15 I called the nurse because I felt funny. She came in at 4:30 and I was 10cm dilated, fully effaced and my water had broke. My doctor got to the hospital and I started pushing at 5:19. At 5:40am on 10/15/15 our precious angel arrived by vaginal delivery after only pushing for 21 minutes. My doctor and all the nurses were totally impressed because this was my first child. I truly believe it was an easy quick birth because I exercised RELIGIOUSLY my entire pregnancy. I didn't cut back, slowdown or any of that until 28 weeks when my body just couldn't handle the strenuous pressure anymore. When I slowed down, I continued to walk 3+ miles a day. She came fast and furious and now 6 days postpartum we're already going on short walks, sleeping regularly, breastfeeding easily, and happy as can be. 
T.A.M born 10/15/15 and is absolutely perfect