39weeks and had to go to L&D for observation

Last night I had a horrible headache start around 7:30. I finally gave up at 9:30 and took some Tylenol. At 11:30 my headache was still going strong and my vision was a little blurry. As my bp has been a little high for me the past few weeks they asked that I come in and get checked. I was there 2 hours and they did blood work etc to check for preeclampsia. Baby and I are great, bp is still a little high but not dangerous so they sent us home after giving me something for the headache. I'm glad everything is ok but I'm just disappointed at this point that my trip in didn't result in bringing my son out. I know that's crazy because I knew going in I wasn't in labor but I'm just ready to not be pregnant and to meet my son. Friday is my next OB appointment and they'd already told me due to swelling and bp gradually increasing that they want to schedule an induction. I guess we will see how that goes... Anyone else feeling frustrated at this point?