Aptamil milk formula

My son is almost 3 weeks and for the past two days I've noticed that he's unable to latch on properly and when he does he goes at it for about 40/50 minutes and he just doesn't get full.. he doesn't sleep for a long time and he's hungry again. At night is the same but he constantly wants to be latched on and if it falls out of he's mouth he starts screaming as if he's starving. I honestly don't know what to do. Its really getting to me and I haven't had sleep in days. Spoke to the lactation consultant and asked her about doing a breast milk /formula combination.. she didn't sound thrilled by my idea. But what choice do I have.. my child feels as if he's not satisfied with my milk. Like it's not enough. I feel so depressed. Has anyone been through this?.. any thoughts on Aptamil Formula???... and combining the both. How did you do it?