Words of encouragement

Jenna • 20, single, FTM. Baby boy due 10/24💙

To all the wonderful Mommy's still waiting on baby,

I just want to remind you that the end is near! We're tired, sore, restless, impatient.. but in the end it won't even matter when we get to kiss those chunky little baby cheeks. You are doing SO GOOD and should be SO proud of how far you've made it. Whether you're a first time Mommy or having you're second, third, fourth...

You've given up your body to another life and it's absolutely amazing. I know we're all tired of "baby will come when ready" & I know it's discouraging seeing all the other Mama's on here announcing that they've given birth, but we're so close! I'm due this Saturday the 24th and only 50% effaced and not dilated. And doctor reminded me that even if you haven't progressed at all, you could go into labor at any moment. Keep your heads up!

And congrats to all the October Mommy's who have already given birth. Seeing those little faces makes me so excited!