Hello ladies & Goodbye

Halima S.
It's clear I don't belong in here anymore as being here means ttc. Well my husband is not particularly in to sex. No he is not gay or bi or even having having an affair. He his a child. He wants sex wen he feels like it, which is like once a month & even then he just jumps me 1 2 & we r done. He knows how much this means to me yet he plays with it. I'm in my 40s. I just had a miscarriage. I want kids. He can have them when ever he wants, but for me I can't play his games anymore. I need to go back out there and start over if this is God's Will. I have to try. Thank you ladies for having me. Baby dust all round & lots of love. You r all in my prayers, Pls put me in urs too. Also as I am leaving I won't need to fill out my log anymore. Maybe just to keep up with my cycle but that's it for now. I pray I come back. God Bless you all.