Can someone give me some insight.

So I had an U/S this morning and first off they have pushed my dates back to 6w1d, which is fine but she said you can only just see baby. So she was showing me the screen and there were 3 sacs but 2 heartbeat. I've had twins previously so I knew might happen again but she was like well there is nothing there at the moment might just be a bleed, and when she moved the probe there was another one on the other side, and she just said the same thing. Could be a bleed or maybe another baby that is a few days later that can't be seen yet. I'm so confused and don't know what to think, I thought I would get some relief today as to wether I was having one or more cos I feel huge. Any thoughts? 
This is one of the pics.
The last one shows the one baby seen.