Any day now

Prayer would be appreciated. Today I am 28w5d. I dilated another cm in the last 48 hours. My body keeps going in and out of labor. I had the first round of the steriods this morning. I only have to make it until 11 am tomorrow to get the second shot. I've been contracting for three hours. They got stronger but then went away. I'm leaking globs of mucus so I know I dilated more. My back is killing me. My specialist is speaking at a conference and left the podium to tell my Dr to go ahead and start the steriods. It's just a waiting game now. I've had 3 preterm babies so I know my body. I keep going in and out but when labor actually starts they won't be able to stop it. Since I have to have a c section we have to play it safe which is hard to do when your body doesn't handle pregnancy like it should. My sweet little mono mono girls want to come soon!